The research relating to the family of John Rowe (1574-1664), Rector from 1617 to 1664 of Camborne Parish Church, Cornwall, England, was conducted primarily by Mrs. Jeannette C. Merritt of Camborne, Cornwall, and Walter Meyer zu Erpen of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Preliminary research on the family of Jane Rowe (1825-1903) and Henry Pooley (1825-1914) was conducted by Ken F. Stewart of Perth, Western Australia, and Ernie Orchard of Michigan, United States. Where research contributed by other individuals has been confirmed, that research is acknowledged in the source citations. Every effort has been made to confirm the relationships within the family tree presented here. Please see the linked “Notes” for information sources, explanation of data discrepancies, assumptions made, and potential connections that cannot be proven. To obtain the description of any source (e.g., CER1234, CHT1234, COR1234, etc.), send your request via email to: Jeannette and Walter are family historians with many years’ experience researching in sources relevant to Cornish genealogy; they have been collaborating on this family history project since 1984. Third cousins, once removed, Jeannette and Walter descend from Phillip Rowe (1785-1846) and Mary Gribbell (1790-1861). This Rowe family tree was initially compiled to determine whether the Rowe family from which Jeannette and Walter descend might be connected. As of August 2017, no link with John Rowe, Rector, Camborne, has been established. Given a lack of early records and/or gaps in existing records, it is doubtful that further progress regarding the early generations of the Rowe family in Camborne and area will be possible. In the Name Index, these ABBREVIATIONS are used: b = born; r = christened; m = married; d = died; u = buried
Walter Meyer zu Erpen & Jeannette C. Merritt
PO Box 8697
Victoria, BC
Tel: SKYPE: wmzevictoria
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